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From its inception, Action Publique has laid down a key requirement for its consultants. Each of them must have successfully worked in both the public sphere and the private sector.


For each mission Action Publique selects senior consultants with a significant experience in public affairs and an appropriate level of expertise to meet your every need.


Our firm also rely on the expertise of its network of partners – experts, web and graphic designers, event organisers, press attachés, printing companies - which allow us to provide our clients with a global and effective strategy.


The founders of Action Publique have developed a personal and in-depth knowledge of the public decision-making process, through their experience as ministerial or parliamentary staff and as public servants.

Joseph Bert is one of Action Publique’s Associate Director, and former Professor of French studies, whose writing skills led him to work for government officials.


He then joined the French Ministry of Finance to manage the external communication policy of some of its departments. While working for the French credits ombudsman service, he offered daily counselling to several companies and professional organisations.

He was on secondment for a year at ENA, the French national school of administration, and has since worked alongside a major auction firm’s president as well as the president of an electrical company.

Jacques Henri Semelle
Jacques-Henri Semelle
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Jacques-Henri Semelle is one of Action Publique’s Associate Director, and has previously worked as Secretary General for a trade association, and for one of the most prominent trade union in the French luxury industry. He has, in particular, shaped their influence policy both in Paris and Brussels.

He was a technical advisor on health issues and social affairs within a ministerial cabinet, before joining the French Ministry of Finance to head the mission promoting the “made in France” label. He was appointed Secretary General for a professional organisation (within the French consular network) representing professional federations and companies from various sectors.

He graduated from Sciences Po Paris, and started his career at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union before becoming a parliamentary assistant in France, and a local elected representative. He is therefore very familiar with the decision-making process at the regional, national and European level.

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